We're going to take a little break from the Tweet Treat Program for the next few weeks.
While we're away, we won't be catching z's like that cute little birdy to the left, although he does look comfy...
We'll be working on making the Tweet Treat Program even better. At iPrintfromHome.com, we aim to provide you with service that delights you and never takes you for granted. We're super excited about the ideas we're working on and we can't wait to share them with you.
So we're putting the Tweet Treat Program on hold for a little bit, but don't you worry - we're not going to leave you hanging.
Here are some programs you can take advantage of while we're away:
Thank You Dollars Program
At iPrintfromHome.com, we run a "Thank You Dollars" program where we award current customers iPrintfromHome account credit for referring new customers.
If you send us a new customer, you will earn $1 in "Thank You Dollars" when your friend creates an account at iPrintfromHome.com and enters your name in the "Referred by" entry box. You will receive another $5 when they place their first order. As you earn "Thank You Dollars," they will be automatically deposited into your account and you will receive notification by email. Basically, it boils down to $6 in account credit for each customer that you send to iPrintfromHome.com, which you can then apply towards future orders.
This program runs all the time and there are no limits to how many Thank You Dollars you can earn.
iPrintfromHome.com Ambassador Center
Once you start successfully referring customers, we'll send you an e-mail invitation to become an official iPrintfromHome.com Ambassador. As an Ambassador, you can take advantage of various tools we've made available to help you spread the word about iPrintfromHome.com and you'll get sneak peeks on promotions and new products. For more information about our Ambassadors Program, please go to http://iprintfromhome.com/Ambassador
New Customer Promotion
To receive the $10 credit, tell your friends to enter “TWEET-your name” (i.e. Tweet-Jane Doe) in the registration box when they create their accounts. This way we can give you credit for the referral (see "Thank You Dollars" program) and give your friend the $10 new customer credit.
Thanks in advance for spreading the word about iPrintfromHome.com! We look forward to filling your Thank You Dollar Accounts! :o)
Keep your eye out for messages from me on Twitter (http://Twitter.com/iPfHSara). I'm planning on giving out smaller Tweet Treats every now and then to some lucky followers.